Thursday, March 17, 2016

Patty Regalia

Healing with Homeopathy
Lagunitas CA 94938

Patty Regalia was born in San Francisco and raised in Marin County where she now lives. Her latest experience with preschool children couples with a passion for preventing disease, gave her the incentive to study homeopathic medicine. During her teaching years she realized that too many children were put on antibiotics for ear infections and knew they could be treated with safe non-toxic medicines to not only prevent ear infections but to cure them permanently. She focus her practice on children but also enjoys working with adults dealing with complex and chronic ailments as well as acute

Patty is a doctor of Homeopathic medicine (HD) and medical Heilkunst, providing her with many tools to find the causes of acute and chronic diseases. She uses the sequential timeline that was created to look at each individual's specific shocks and traumas including drugs, vaccines, surgeries and emotional traumas. The timeline is treated in the reverse order (backwards, from the present to birth/conception and into the inherited predispositions).

This is a highly effective roadmap that assures Patty that the path every patient takes is individual and accurate. To complete the system of remediation Patty also looks at the individual's diet using nutritional typologies based on biochemical individuality, exercise, supplements, hormones, and traumas both physical and emotional to clear any blockages. This system was created by Dr. Hahnemann, which he called Heilkunst, or the art of restoring health.

Skin Case:

Bob, a 17-year-old youth, had been afflicted with acne since puberty. He had pustules on his face, neck and upper back. His acne flared up from eating sweets, hot weather and sweating. During the initial visit I discovered that Bob was a mouth breather during sleep, craved sweets and spicy foods, perspired easily, was constipated, had an intense personality and was afraid of heights.  After two months and three doses of the homeopathic remedy Sulphur, Bob’s skin became 50% clearer. After six months of homeopathic treatment, his skin further improved by 90%.  In the process, he was no longer constipated and rarely craved sweets.  
Whether your skin disorder is a result of an allergic reaction, infection, hormonal imbalance or sugar metabolism, the cause can be attributed to an impaired immune function.  Homeopathy treats many types of skin disorders by strengthening the immune system. In fact, given its unique approach to prescribing remedies (based on the totality of symptoms) the label of your condition is irrelevant. Whether you are suffering from acne, eczema, depression or menopausal discomforts, a homeopath will take the same approach in discovering the distinctive set of symptoms you are experiencing and combine it with your personality traits in order to find a remedy which will initiate the healing process.
One woman’s chronic hives in the front of her body were healed with the remedy Pulsatilla, while another woman with similar hives required Apis. A teen with recurrent warts on his left hand benefited from the remedy Thuja.
Homeopathy aims to heal the entire organism in the physical, mental and emotional realms. Treating one organ at a time, such as your skin, will not result in a permanent cure. A person who takes prescription medication for high blood pressure every day is not undergoing a cure, but is only controlling and suppressing the symptoms.  Similarly, applying cortisone cream on your skin will not result in healing. If the medication is withdrawn, the illness returns. In contrast, homeopathic remedies address the underlying cause of illness by helping to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanism.  The aim is to return to a healthy state and stop depending on medications, natural or otherwise.
When seeking homeopathic help for your skin troubles, don’t be surprised to experience an improvement in your moods, motivation and energy levels. In fact, in most cases, the emotions improve before physical ailments begin to disappear.

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