Rebecca Billings
Homeopathic Wellness
1654 University Avenue
Berkeley CA 94703
I first found homeopathy years ago during my search for better health. I was diagnosed with asthma in my early 30's and was told it was a permanent condition. I found as time went by I used my inhaler more and more often. Worst of all there was no hope offered for any improvement. I tried all sorts of lifestyle changes, medications and supplements with no real change.
Like so many others, I found homeopathy when I had exhausted all of the more familiar options available. I decided to take a chance because I didn't have much hope left, but was determined to get rid of my inhaler. Initially I saw improvement in the seasonal allergy attacks I suffered each Spring and Fall. Over time I saw my health get better and better. After a number of remedies I was given one which made the biggest difference - over a span of months I was able to get rid of my inhaler permanently.
Overcoming a condition which is considered permanent and utterly incurable solidified my confidence in Homeopathy. It wasn't long after I started this process that I began studying it. The beauty and complexity of homeopathy drew me in. Seeing people overcome physical or mental health obstacles is continually inspiring. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself!
Homeopathy has become my passion, and I am fortunate to be able to share the journey of my clients on their quest for better health. I combine empathetic listening with the precision learned in my engineering background to find the best possible remedy for each individual. I support my clients in finding relief from symptoms and greater freedom on both physical and mental levels. I welcome clients of all ages and backgrounds into my practice.
K is a 36 year old woman who came into my office with fibroids, irregular periods, acne and depression.
K has had irregular periods since she was a teenager. She had been diagnosed with fibroids a few years prior and was concerned as she wanted to have another child. In addition she was feeling angry about the way she was being treated at work and in her relationship. She admitted that while it wasn’t as important to her health, having acne as an adult embarrassed and upset her.
We had a long talk about hormonal balance and the relationship between her symptoms. It is not uncommon to suffer from all of her symptoms with PCOS, although she had never been diagnosed with this disorder. Homeopathy treats each person based on the symptoms they present, so no formal diagnosis is needed for healing.
She described a very busy and high stress lifestyle. She was completing a higher level degree while working full time and functioning as a single parent. She avoided all conflict in pursuit of harmony. She often put her needs aside for family, work and friends. This left her feeling angry but unable to express it, and also depleted and depressed. In spite of this she was pursuing a degree and had moved away from her family without their approval. She insisted that finding herself and being in school was more important than anything else.
Many of her symptoms, including the acne, began after she quit birth control pills two years prior. Her desire to find herself along with the change in symptoms two years prior lead me to the remedy Folliculinum. It was confirmed by her feeling drained and angry, in addition to almost all of her physical symptoms and modalities.
After her remedy she showed some improvement but also had one incident of hives. She hadn’t had hives since she was a child. While certainly distressing to the client, it wasn’t dangerous and cleared up quickly. In homeopathy it is seen as a positive sign when issues come up from many years prior, as it’s the body’s way of doing deep internal healing.
After four months of treatment her periods became regular for the first time in her life. Not only that, she quit a job that she disliked, was working on her relationship and was doing well expressing her thoughts and feelings. She was also relieved to see her skin looking smoother. Her depression and anger were lifted, and she was happy with where her life was headed. This was a great example of healing that happened on both internal and external levels, leaving the client happier with herself as well as her improved health.
Like so many others, I found homeopathy when I had exhausted all of the more familiar options available. I decided to take a chance because I didn't have much hope left, but was determined to get rid of my inhaler. Initially I saw improvement in the seasonal allergy attacks I suffered each Spring and Fall. Over time I saw my health get better and better. After a number of remedies I was given one which made the biggest difference - over a span of months I was able to get rid of my inhaler permanently.
Overcoming a condition which is considered permanent and utterly incurable solidified my confidence in Homeopathy. It wasn't long after I started this process that I began studying it. The beauty and complexity of homeopathy drew me in. Seeing people overcome physical or mental health obstacles is continually inspiring. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself!
Homeopathy has become my passion, and I am fortunate to be able to share the journey of my clients on their quest for better health. I combine empathetic listening with the precision learned in my engineering background to find the best possible remedy for each individual. I support my clients in finding relief from symptoms and greater freedom on both physical and mental levels. I welcome clients of all ages and backgrounds into my practice.
K is a 36 year old woman who came into my office with fibroids, irregular periods, acne and depression.
K has had irregular periods since she was a teenager. She had been diagnosed with fibroids a few years prior and was concerned as she wanted to have another child. In addition she was feeling angry about the way she was being treated at work and in her relationship. She admitted that while it wasn’t as important to her health, having acne as an adult embarrassed and upset her.
We had a long talk about hormonal balance and the relationship between her symptoms. It is not uncommon to suffer from all of her symptoms with PCOS, although she had never been diagnosed with this disorder. Homeopathy treats each person based on the symptoms they present, so no formal diagnosis is needed for healing.
She described a very busy and high stress lifestyle. She was completing a higher level degree while working full time and functioning as a single parent. She avoided all conflict in pursuit of harmony. She often put her needs aside for family, work and friends. This left her feeling angry but unable to express it, and also depleted and depressed. In spite of this she was pursuing a degree and had moved away from her family without their approval. She insisted that finding herself and being in school was more important than anything else.
Many of her symptoms, including the acne, began after she quit birth control pills two years prior. Her desire to find herself along with the change in symptoms two years prior lead me to the remedy Folliculinum. It was confirmed by her feeling drained and angry, in addition to almost all of her physical symptoms and modalities.
After her remedy she showed some improvement but also had one incident of hives. She hadn’t had hives since she was a child. While certainly distressing to the client, it wasn’t dangerous and cleared up quickly. In homeopathy it is seen as a positive sign when issues come up from many years prior, as it’s the body’s way of doing deep internal healing.
After four months of treatment her periods became regular for the first time in her life. Not only that, she quit a job that she disliked, was working on her relationship and was doing well expressing her thoughts and feelings. She was also relieved to see her skin looking smoother. Her depression and anger were lifted, and she was happy with where her life was headed. This was a great example of healing that happened on both internal and external levels, leaving the client happier with herself as well as her improved health.

‘Mind Symptoms’ (for selecting the remedy) are not what you have learnt but they are, in reality, something different which you ought to know and learn.
ReplyDelete--Explanation of Section 213 and 153 of the Organon—
The most of the valuable ‘mind’ or ‘uncommon’ symptoms cannot be classified under any head in the repertories and the conscious homoeopath has to learn them by rote. (‘rote’ means mechanical or habitual repetition—Oxford). Therefore, in many cases (if not all cases), homoeopathic software is of no use, however costly it may be and however praised by the so-called leading homoeopaths.
The following actual cases cured by the author would give the reader a clear and accurate meaning of ‘mind symptoms’ and ‘uncommon symptoms’ in a matter-of-fact way. Dr. Hahnemann advises that without prescribing on mind symptoms a cure is not possible (Section 213 of the Organon.) ‘Anger’, ‘restlessness’ etc. are ‘common’ symptoms of mind. ‘When Section 213 is read with Section 153, we infer that we have to prescribe on ‘uncommon mind symptoms.’
CASE 1: A renal failure patient under dialysis and waiting for kidney transplant, was under our treatment. We could not find his remedy.
There is no guarantee for kidney transplant, because after a few years, many patients die because sooner or later the donor kidney stops functioning. After transplant he was heard saying, “Now I feel as if I am released from prison . . . as if I have taken a rebirth.” This he said because he is now freed from torturing and exhausting bi-weekly dialysis, taking rest, body becoming weak etc.
This mental picture of the patient should at once bring to our mind the following words:
…desire to be released from what seems to be a perpetual burden of sorrow… (See p. 111 of the Final Mat. Medica of Mind Symptoms by the author)
We are going to give Ignatia to him and we are confident that his other kidney would start functioning and even if the donor kidney fails he would live long.
CASE 2: A patient with weeping eczema etc., came to me and said, “Doctor, I am not taking the treatment to live long. But I have an aged daughter to be married and a son who is looking out for a job. Who would come forward to marry my daughter, if I have a weeping eczema? Only because of that, I want to get cured. Before I die, I want to settle things in my family; my daughter getting married and son getting a job. Then I can die peacefully.”
Under the remedy Petroleum (Boericke’s Materia Medica) we find the following:
Feels that death is near, and must hurry to settle affairs.
Now, this sentence fits with the remarks made by the above eczema patient. This remedy was given in single dose and it cured him completely.
CASE 3: A peptic ulcer patient’s condition worsened day by day and allopathic antacids were giving only temporary relief. At the height of his suffering (hunger pain with burning sensation in the food pipe, temporarily relieved by eating) he was heard saying, “I think that my end is approaching; I must call the lawyer to write the will; that this hotel of mine should go to my wife; money deposited in the bank is for my son. My widowed sister who has been living with me for several years and helping me should take the house which I bought recently.”
This mind picture agrees with the remarks made by the patient in case No. 2 above. One single dose of the remedy Petroleum-10M cured this patient as well. We do not prescribe on names of disease or pathology but on ‘uncommon’ symptoms having no relevance to pathology. Anger, irritability etc. are not ‘uncommon mind symptoms’.
suited the symptoms of the case.