Friday, October 9, 2015

Homeopathic Over the Counter for Migraines

Homeopathic Over the Counter for Migraines

The following are four of the most commonly used remedies for headaches/migraines.

Physical Symptom
Mental Symptom
Steady aching or sense of heaviness with little throbbing
May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, constipation
Irritable wants to be left alone
Worse with the slightest movement
Better with firm pressure
Intense headaches with violent throbbing pains
Face flushed or feels hot, sometimes with cold hands and feet
Sudden explosive anger
Worse with  light, noise, touch, strong or unusual smells, motion, or jarring

Better with cold applications, dark, binding the head
Pain in forehead or on one side; or changes location frequently
Headache coming on after meals or after warm, rich, or fatty foods or ice cream or  in connection with menstrual period

Wants company and consolation
Relief with gentle motion, especially walking slowly in open air
Headaches begin after overeating; alcohol, coffee or other drugs; loss of sleep; excessive mental work
May be accompanied by general sick feeling and by digestive upsets including vomiting, gas, or sour or bitter taste
Driven, irritable ambitious
Worse sounds even sound of footsteps

Relief by wrapping the head up or being in a warm room

Nux vomica

For chronic migraines please consider meeting a homeopath for individualized care

Please use common sense and judgement and seek medical attention if need be

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